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Branded game infographic

A branded game (or 'advergame') is a personalized game that advertises a particular business, service or product:

  • Engage and inspire users: These games are designed to capture customers' attention in a creative and fun way, and are generally simple and interactive, making them perfect for increasing user engagement. Branded games are a great way to passively acquire leads and build brand loyalty, and are a successful marketing strategy within an innovative digital plan.
  • Original, versatile and social: Branded games can be used in a variety of settings, including on a business's website, at a conference booth, or within a team at work. A successful branded game can achieve virality across social channels using competitive or collaborative play.
  • Capture insights and analytics: Branded games can be used as a tool to gather valuable data on players. By analyzing player behavior and preferences within the game, businesses can gain insights into their target audience, which can inform future marketing strategies and campaigns.
  • Deliver results and achieve ROI: Each branded game can be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, allowing specific metrics to be used to measure the success and impact of the campaign. Branded games generate a positive feedback loop: customers learn about the brand while the brand learns about the customers.

Overall, branded games are a fun and effective way for businesses to promote their products or services and engage with their customers.

Using branded games as part of your marketing strategy can offer a range of benefits:

  • Increased engagement: Branded games provide a fun and interactive experience for users, capturing their attention and keeping them engaged. By incorporating game elements into your marketing efforts, you can create a more enjoyable and memorable experience for your audience.
  • Building trust and connections: Games for brands allow you to show your fun side and create connections with your audience. By providing a positive and entertaining experience, branded games can help build trust and strengthen the relationship between your brand and customers.
  • Brand exposure and awareness: Branded games act as a promotional tool, allowing you to advertise your business or product in a creative and engaging way. They provide an opportunity to showcase your brand and increase its visibility, leading to greater brand awareness among your target audience.
  • Product introduction and testing: Branded games can be used to introduce and evaluate new products or features to your audience. They provide a platform to showcase the benefits and functionality of your offerings in a fun and interactive manner. Additionally, branded games can be used to test ideas and gather feedback from users.
  • Data collection and market research: Branded games offer the opportunity to collect valuable user data and gain insights about your audience. By analyzing user behavior and preferences within the game, you can gather valuable marketing information that can inform your future strategies and campaigns.
  • Increased sales and brand popularity: Branded games are designed to increase sales and boost brand popularity. By creating a positive and engaging experience for users, you can generate interest in your products or services and encourage conversions.
  • Cost-effective marketing tool: Branded games can be a cost-effective marketing solution. They offer a way to engage your audience without relying on traditional advertising methods that may be more expensive or less effective.

Overall, branded games provide a unique and entertaining way to engage with your audience, promote your brand, and gather valuable insights. By incorporating branded games into your marketing strategy, you can enhance customer engagement, increase brand awareness, and drive business growth.

Benefits from adopting branded games

Brand marketing managers can benefit from adopting branded games in several ways:

  • Non-intrusive way to reach target audience: Branded games allow companies to reach their target audience in a non-intrusive way. Unlike traditional advertising methods, such as television commercials, billboards, or display ads, branded games do not interrupt the user's experience. Instead, they provide a fun and engaging way for players to learn about a brand or product. This can lead to a more positive perception of the brand and a higher likelihood of making a purchase.
  • Gathering valuable data on players: Branded games can be used to gather valuable data on players. For example, a branded mobile game might ask players to provide their email addresses or other contact information in exchange for in-game rewards. This information can then be used for targeted marketing efforts in the future. Optionally, branded games can track the player's behavior and preferences, which can be used to improve the brand's understanding of the target audience.
  • Boosting brand awareness: Branded games are an effective way to boost brand awareness among potential customers. As players engage with the game and progress through it, they become more familiar with the brand and its message. By creating a fun and entertaining game that is centered around their brand, businesses can create a positive association in the minds of their customers.
  • Improving brand image: Games are enjoyable and they don’t feel like marketing or work, which can improve brand perception. A game can move a company away from the stigma of being a cold corporate giant and give the customer a more emotional connection when they think of the brand. Combining this with the marketing message will have consumers wanting to find out more about the company or promotion.

Overall, adopting branded games can help brand marketing managers to engage with their target audience in a non-intrusive way, gather valuable data on customers, boost brand awareness, improve brand image, and do so in a cost-effective manner.

Use a custom event game to attract customers to your event booth:

  • Choose a game that is relevant to your brand or product: The game you choose should be related to your brand or product in a meaningful way. This helps reinforce your brand message and makes the game more appealing to your target audience.
  • Make the game fun and engaging: The game should be fun and engaging to play, with intuitive gameplay and easy-to-use controls. This can help to keep players interested and encourage them to spend more time at your booth.
  • Offer prizes or incentives: Reward players who achieve certain goals or reach certain levels in the game. This can encourage players to keep playing and increase their engagement with your brand.
  • Use eye-catching graphics and branding: Visual appeal reinforces your brand message. This can help to attract the attention of event attendees and draw them to your booth.
  • Promote the game in advance: Teasers of the game prior to the event can gain traction on social media platforms where your target audience frequently resides. This can help to build excitement and start engaging your target audience in advance of the event.
  • Provide comfortable seating: Set up armchairs and sofas for players to relax and play the game in comfort. This can create a welcoming atmosphere and encourage players to spend more time at your booth.
  • Create a leaderboard: A leaderboard allows players to see their scores and compete against each other. This can create a competitive atmosphere and encourage players to return.
  • Use a large screen: Use a big screen to display the game and leaderboard, so that it can be easily seen by event attendees from a distance. This can help to attract the attention of attendees and draw them to your booth.

Overall, using a video game at your event booth can be a fun and effective way to attract customers and increase engagement with your brand - you can create a memorable experience for event attendees and make a lasting impression on your target audience.

Games educate event attendees

Event games can be used to educate attendees about a company's products or services in the following ways:

  • Product demonstrations: Branded games can be used to demonstrate the features and benefits of a company's products or services. By incorporating the product into the game, attendees can experience it in a fun and interactive way.
  • Gamification of educational content: Serious games can be used to gamify educational content, making it more engaging and interactive for attendees. This can help to increase their retention of the information and make it more memorable.
  • Interactive quizzes and surveys: Competitive interactive quizzes and surveys educate attendees about a company's products or services. This can help to increase their knowledge and understanding of the brand.
  • Storytelling: Event games can be used to tell a story that educates attendees about a company's products, services or ideology. By incorporating the brand message into the game's narrative, attendees can learn about the brand in a deeper way.
  • Mixed reality experiences: Games can be used to create virtual reality experiences that allow attendees to explore a company's products or services in a more immersive way. This can help to increase their understanding and appreciation of the brand.

Overall, event games can be a powerful tool for educating show attendees about a company's products or services. By incorporating educational content, product demonstrations, interactive quizzes and surveys, storytelling, and augmented reality experiences into the game, attendees can learn about the brand in a fun and engaging way.

Serious games promote problem-solving skills, critical thinking, and empathy for people from different backgrounds. Serious games have been found to be effective in various contexts, including education, health, and skill development:

  • Learning effectiveness: Serious games have been shown to be effective in terms of learning, and some studies have found them to be even better at teaching than traditional methods. They can make the learning of curriculum content engaging and stimulating, leading to improved knowledge acquisition and retention.
  • Health benefits: Serious games can have positive effects on health-related outcomes. For example, they can motivate players to increase physical exercise and improve memory among older adults with cognitive impairment. They have also been effective in improving literacy skills in children with learning disabilities or difficulties.
  • Comparable to other methods: Serious games have been found to be at least as effective as other traditional and digital learning methods. They can be as effective as conventional cognitive activities or exercises in improving memory, verbal skills, and other cognitive functions.
  • Quality criteria: High-quality serious games should measure their effects and benefits through scientific studies and consider user or domain expert evaluation. It is important to keep the goal in focus and use appropriate methods for the specific application area and target audience.

Overall, serious games can be used to challenge people's perceptions and biases, inspiring real-world action and results. Conducting scientific studies and evaluating the specific goals and metrics of a serious game can help assess its effectiveness in a particular context.

Game based learning

Game-based learning is an engaging way to onboard and train that uses gameplay as an active learning technique to educate participants and influence their behavior:

  • Immersive experiences: Game-based learning can provide immersive experiences that allow learners to experience new skills in a fun and interactive way. This can help learners to understand and internalize concepts more effectively.
  • Storytelling: Games can be used to tell stories that illustrate concepts in action. By incorporating learning content into the game's narrative, participants can see how they apply in real-world situations.
  • Gamification elements: By incorporating gamification elements such as scores, upgrades, and leaderboards, game-based learning can motivate learners to engage with a topic and strive for achievements. This can increase their engagement and motivation to learn.
  • Interactive assessments: Game-based learning can include interactive assessments or quizzes that test learners' understanding of concepts and skills. This provides immediate feedback and allows for personalized learning experiences.
  • Collaborative learning opportunities: Game-based learning can be designed to encourage collaboration and teamwork among participants. This fosters social interaction and cooperative learning, which can enhance the learning experience.
  • Flexibility and adaptability: Game-based learning can be designed to adapt to different skill levels or learning styles, allowing participants to learn at their own pace. This flexibility accommodates diverse learning needs and preferences.

Overall, game-based learning can be an effective way to teach skills and concepts by providing immersive experiences, incorporating storytelling and gamification elements, offering interactive assessments, encouraging collaboration, and customizing the learning experience to the participant.

Gamification is the process of using game elements in a non-game context to improve engagement, motivation, and attention span. A gamification platform typically includes the following features:

  • User-centric design: A successful gamification platform should be designed with the user in mind, making it easy to navigate and use.
  • Clear objectives and feedback: The platform should have clear objectives and provide feedback to users on their progress towards those objectives.
  • Meaningful rewards and recognition: Rewards and recognition should be meaningful and relevant to the user, encouraging them to continue engaging with the platform.
  • Game-based and experiential design: Gamification platforms often incorporate game-based and experiential design elements to make the learning experience more engaging and interactive.
  • Leaderboards and points: Leaderboards and points can be used to encourage competition and motivate users to improve their performance.
  • Customization: Gamification platforms should allow for customization, so that organizations can tailor the platform to their specific needs and goals.
  • Real-time feedback: Real-time feedback can help users stay engaged and motivated by providing immediate feedback on their progress.
  • Peer-to-peer recognition: Peer-to-peer recognition can be used to encourage collaboration and teamwork among users.
  • Missions and simulations: Missions and simulations can be used to create immersive learning experiences that are more engaging and interactive.

Overall, a gamification platform should be designed to make learning more engaging, interactive, and fun, while also providing clear objectives and meaningful rewards to encourage continued engagement.

Branded game inforgraphic

To develop a game for your brand, follow these steps:

  • Identify objectives: Determine the specific goals and business objectives you want to achieve with your game. This could include increasing brand awareness, encouraging customer loyalty, consumer education, or driving sales.
  • Tell the right story: Ensure that your game tells a compelling story that resonates with your target audience. Focus on creating an engaging game first, and a marketing campaign second.
  • Integrate your brand elements: Incorporate your brand elements, such as logos, colors, and - most important - messaging, into the game to reinforce brand recognition and consistency.
  • Add social sharing features: Include features that allow players to share their progress or achievements on social media platforms. This can help increase the reach and visibility of your game.
  • Provide incentives and rewards: Consider offering prizes within the game to motivate players and keep them engaged. This could include virtual currency, exclusive content, or discounts on your products or services.
  • Design, develop, support, and promote: Follow the fundamental stages of game development, which include design, development, support, and promotion. Continue to challenge assumptions and embrace feedback throughout the process.
  • Work with professionals: Leverage the experience and capabilities of reputable creative professionals who can assist at each stage of the project. Focus on trust and avoid turnkey solutions that lack originality. Your brand is unique, your customers are amazing - your branded game should be both!

Hypersurge create custom-made, cross-platform games that showcase your brand and acquire insight from player behavior. We'd be delighted to help you.

Is your brand looking for a unique, innovative and cutting edge marketing strategy to increase sales, user engagement and customer loyalty? We create world class games that showcase your brand.