Social Impact Games let you play with your brand

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Learn how a custom-made social impact game can help your brand

Playing social and collaborative video games can lead to more prosocial behaviors, such as helping one another, in both online and real-world settings. Social video games involve interaction with other players and can increase the player's exposure to people from different regions and cultures, promoting the development of empathy and identity formation.

Custom video games can be created specifically for social change purposes, such as educational games that teach about complex social issues in a safe and immersive environment. Video games can also be used to challenge people's perceptions and biases, promoting critical thinking and inspiring real-world action.

Finally, studies have shown that playing prosocial video games can increase prosocial behavior, and exposure to prosocial video games can activate the accessibility of prosocial thoughts, which in turn promotes prosocial behavior.

We make unique cross-platform social impact games, designed for your brand, tailored to your customers, optimized for your budget, focused on your results.

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Play with your BrandTM

Gain more customers and more insight with Hypersurge®, a gamification service that connects users with brands through play. With over 1,000,000,000 brand engagements to date, our custom-made, cross-platform games showcase your brand and acquire insight from player behavior.

Our optimized process

Consultation and written specification


We do it with you

Rapid 5-15 day development process


We do it for you

Game released to distribution channels


We do it for you

Measure and learn from players’ choices


We do it with you

Cartoon Network
Your brand here

Is your brand looking for a unique, innovative and cutting edge marketing strategy to increase sales, user engagement and customer loyalty? We create world class games that showcase your brand.